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What Will Happen If Fossil Fuels become extinct?

It's a scary thought but something that can become reality in near future. It is a no-brainer that we have been overly dependent on fossil fuels in the last 200 years or so. And this over-reliance on fossil fuels is only expected to increase in coming years. Right from our cars, trains, flights to even production of electricity, everything is largely dependent on fossil fuels. Scientists, energy experts and world leaders have been debating about the possibility of extinction of fossil fuels in near future.

For those worrying about running out of fossil fuels, I've a good news and a bad news. The good news is that there is still a large supply of fossil fuel left in the great depths of earth and we may not face the grave reality of fossil fuel extinction at least for few centuries more. But, the bad news it that extraction of these fossil fuels present in depths of earth can be a tough challenge for our mining industry. And, even if our mining technology comes up with new techniques to extract fuels, it could come at the great cost of damage to our environment and ecosystem. To read more about future of fossil fuels, check out: